Tuesday, October 5, 2010


The patterns I observed in my collage included organization, balance, color, and rhythm. I also noticed the rectilinear nature of the college elements, and the relationship between graphic images and text. Many of the images on the collage were taken from a skiing magazine which seems to make it the central focus, but I did try to include a variety of subjects and interesting text. 

The general feedback I got on the comments suggested that my collage was organized and focused around skiing and nature. Almost everyone made note of the fact that I used the whole page. I was interested to see a few comments about having a lot of text. When the page started to get filled up the collage became very busy and I didn't want to distract from the images I had chosen. My solution was to add the blue and purple pages on the bottom right for their color in hopes that the small text would be of no interest compared to the other images. Overall the comments matched somewhat closely to my intentions for the collage.


  1. When taking a look at this collage the first thing that I noticed were the big pictures and the sharp corners. You immediately notice how all of the space on the paper is taken up, there is not white really. There are also very many bright colors that were being used, purple, blues, greens. They stood out, caught my attention. I also like the grouping because everything seemed to show adventure in nature and travel. The words that were represented also had to do with taking chances and being spontaneous, as well as the natural aspect.

  2. I noticed patterns of:
    -the earth
    -bold text

    These patterns and pictures allowed me to view the piece from left to right and understand a message. The collage is organized and the spacing is visually appealing.

  3. -Organized, everything fits really well together and looks very planned out
    -Words, it seems like there are more words then images
    -Everything looks very cohesive with the same cholor scheme. (bold colors)
    -Outdoors theme
    -Images are set in a way that allows you to read across the whole page and go in order almost

  4. -Well Organized
    -Articles with lots of text
    -Patterns with the articles
    -Good display and use of whole page

  5. -a lot to do with the outdoors, adventure, and adrenaline
    -neutral colors
    -white boarders around images
    -a lot of text
